Get ready to kick-start your 2025 with our first Founder Meet-Up of the Year.
In this informal session, we’ll walk through tried & true goal-setting strategies, journaling practices and vision board creation techniques. Come join us for a coffee, share ideas and your vision for a new year.
This year, we’re also going to run an optional Founder’s Book Club. At this first meet-up, we’ll select our book for the month, ready to spark conversation and ideas for our next meetup!
Here’s what you’ll get from this session:
Dedicated and focused time to goal setting, planning and vision creation.
Quality time with fellow entrepreneurs who ‘get it’.
Templates, inspiration and guidance to create effective planning and inspirational goals.
A mini Canva Vision Board Tutorial if a digital board is more your style.
A sparkly new vision board + your goals mapper out to help you bring your 2025 vision to life!
Some resources will be available, including pens, whiteboard + poster markers, scissors, glue, magazines and newspapers. Feel free to BYO – the more materials to share, the better!