The SOCIAL TRAK CLUB TAMWORTH is a casual running crew, made for everyone – hitting the streets, track and trails around Tamworth NSW, supporting local business and having a ripper of a time.
All 3 of the weekly runs; Tuesday Social, Thursday Track and Weekend Long Runs are setup so that anyone can show up, run their own way and they’ll be looked after – they won’t leave anyone behind!
- 5.45am TUESDAY SOCIAL: leaving from Peel Street Post Office – A social morning run to kickstart the day, running/ walking 15/20 minutes in one direction and then turning around heading back the same way. The distance, time and pace are all up the individual. Grab a coffee afterwards with the running crew. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced athlete, this run is for everyone.
- 5.45pm THURSDAY TRACK: Bicentennial Park No.1 Oval on Kable Ave– For the warmup, we will run the same 10-minute loop every week at an easy pace together. The main set will involve some faster running on a loop or out and back around the park consisting of either Intervals, Fartlek or Tempo Running. This section is adaptable to each runner’s ability with the range being a total of 3-6km. For the cool down, we head back where we started, for an easy 10-minute loop together.
- SUNDAY LONG RUN (check social posts weekly for details) – This session will vary depending on the crew’s goals, upcoming events etc. Keep an eye out on socials or Strava for the details on the Sunday Long Run – be ready for an adventure here or there!
Please check socials (Instagram and Facebook) for the latest updates.