The Spooky Men’s Chorale is a vast, rumbling, steam powered and black-clad behemoth, capable of rendering audiences moist eyed with mute appreciation or haplessly gurgling with merriment. Based on the twin pillars of grand foolishness and the quest for the perfect ‘boofchord’, the Spooky Men seek to commentate on the absurdity and grandeur of the modern male armed only with their voices, a sly collection of hats, and a twinkle in the eye.
The Spooky Men’s Chorale sing a judicious combination of Georgian table songs, pin drop beautiful ballads highly inappropriate covers, and immaculate man anthems like Don’t Stand Between a Man and His Tool.
Through this drop deadpan beautiful man-singing, the Spooky Men invite the audience to ponder the conundrums of modern life and manhood, joyously experience a wall of mansound, laugh stupidly, and venture into areas of great tenderness. It is not so much comedic as hilarious, not so much shimmeringly perfect as pleasingly and deeply human.